Toss, fix, sell, or donate your horse stuff?


So I’ve been on a big kick lately to muck out the trailer, tack room, feed room, and garage. I seem to have horse stuff everywhere. But I also have horse stuff that I have not used in …..well, a long time… and perhaps it’s time for that stuff to move on to greener pastures.


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So as I sort, clean, and organize – I’m deciding if I toss, fix, sell, or donate. Some basics of how I decide what goes into what category.



  • This is easy when it comes to leather. If you are looking at some leather and it’s cracked, it’s an automatic toss for me. Leather can sometimes be “revived” with oil and conditioning and cleaning, but when there are cracks the leather is beyond repair and the fibers and proteins that make leather safe and strong are no longer in working order.


  • I’ll also toss expired medications, outdated supplements, and anything of questionable working order that goes on or in a horse.


worn leather on horse halter buckle





  • If there’s life left in something, I will try and fix it. Must keep the bailing twine and duct tape employed, right?


  • Holes in blankets, yes. Holes in saddle pads, maybe if it’s not under the saddle. Broken halters, bridles, and billets can all have pieces mended or replace easily. You can buy crown pieces to replace snapped ones. You can also decide that your busted up bridle needs to be totally replaced, in which case use your broken one as salvage just in case. You can reuse the browbands, the reins, all sorts of pieces in the future.


  • It’s *usually* easy to fix horse blankets, it’s also easy to re-waterproof them with a can of spray from your local camping and outdoor store.


  • For clipper blades, I will try and sharpen them to get another season out of them, but blades do have a life span with only so many sharpening sessions in them. Deceased clipper blades are used to trim manes.


horse blanket with large tear in the lining

Why does my horse need a pocket inside his blanket? It’s not like he has a stash of cash to fix all of the stuff he destroys…




  • For those items that I no longer use and are usually higher dollar items. Sometimes it’s tricky to decide if you should sell an item, or donate it to your favorite local horse charity. Tough call.


  • I will sell a saddle, which is reason enough to take care of it every single day. You will get more dollars for it in great condition, not dry, not cracked, not neglected.


  • I will also sell “fancier” stuff, like horse related jewelry, fancy beaded browbands. I will also sell spurs, blankets that are in top shape, and sometimes girths.




  • Check with the horse non-profits in your area and find out what they need! No need loading up your car with widgets when they need thingies.


  • Saddle pads, blankets, halters, lead ropes, tack, and grooming supplies are frequently needed. You may also find that your local non-profits need hay, feeds, and shavings. Time and extra hands are usually always needed – so if you have time to donate, become a volunteer! You may also inquire if cash donations are accepted. Non-profits can give you a receipt for your donations to help you out at tax time, too.


How do you decide what to toss, fix, sell, or donate?


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Clean anything and store anything with this versatile hook. Easy to bring to horse shows, too!

09/06/2024 09:53 pm GMT
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Tack Sponges
$9.98 $8.98
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Rhino Wax - Saddle Soap for Leather Cleaning

This is castile soap-based, so it won't leave that gooey stickiness that glycerine-based soaps can leave in humid environments.

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09/07/2024 02:58 am GMT
09/07/2024 02:13 am GMT
Decker, 12-Pack Tack Sponge for Horses

There no time like the present to clean your tack after every ride!

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Rhino Wax – Tack Conditioning Kit – Leather Oil, Conditioner, Brushes, and Microfiber Cloths

Keep your horse's leather from snapping with some deep conditioning.

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Humane Mouse Trap Pack of 4

Set them free upon thine enemy (JK, not really, but you can move them to a safer spot for everyone).

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Outback Gold Wool Wash, Original Scent, Natural Plant Based Liquid Laundry Detergent

This sheepskin care liquid is great for horse products and sheepskin horse accessories.

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09/07/2024 04:33 am GMT
Hefty Shrink-Pak - 4 Large Vacuum Storage Bags

This is SO SATISFYING to shrink up your seasonal horse blankets and gear.

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16 Pack Vacuum Storage Bags with Travel Hand Pump

Plus you can keep dust and rodents out of your horse's blankets while saving space.

09/07/2024 12:37 am GMT


Thank you! 

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