Ultimate List of DIY for Horses


One way to save money at the barn is to do a DIY project for horses and their stuff. You don’t always have to be a magician in the kitchen or garage like you are at the barn, but partaking in some DIY for horses can be fun and may ignite your creativity. DIY equestrian style may also give you a memento from your horse – like with a horseshoe!

Table of Contents:

Saddle soap

Horse treats

Grooming wipes

Horseshoe crafts 

Fly spray 

Bit wipes

Fly bonnets

Homemade barn cleaner

Fly traps

Horse jump decor

Saddle pad racks

Grooming totes


Jump to shopping


Why DIY equestrian stuff?


  • DIY projects for horse lovers can save money and add a personal touch to your horse’s belongings.


  • Saddle pad racks and grooming totes are essential DIY projects for organizing your horse’s equipment.


  • Making your own saddle soap and horse treats allows you to control the ingredients and save money.


  • Grooming wipes and bit wipes are convenient DIY projects for maintaining your horse’s good looks and an incentive to clean your tack daily – *ahem*


  • Horseshoe crafts and DIY horse jump decor are creative projects that add a unique touch to your equestrian space.


  • Fly spray for horses and fly traps are effective DIY solutions for helping to keep flies away from your horse.


horse grooming wipe solution of stain remover and water

It’s so easy to make your own grooming wipes


What are some safety considerations for DIY projects for horses?


  • Safety should be a top priority for any DIY horse project. Ensure materials are non-toxic, securely fastened, and free of sharp edges. Consider the horse’s behavior and needs to prevent accidents – especially when it comes to DIY horse jumps and dressage letters. Play it safe, but have some fun.


Saddle soap


Saddle soap is essential for equestrians to clean and condition their leather saddles. Instead of purchasing commercially made saddle soap, you can make your own using simple ingredients. Here’s a DIY saddle soap recipe:

  • 1 cup of glycerine soap
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Optional: a few drops of essential oils for fragrance (e.g., lavender, peppermint)

Another quick and easy recipe is to use milk. Hear me out; it’s not gross.

  • Glycerin
  • Milk or cream
  • For this recipe, add a teaspoon of olive or neatsfoot oil and a few drops of essential oils for aroma.


tack cleaning spray and lederbalsam and saddle soap with sponge


For either recipe, here are your instructions: 


  • Begin by melting chunks of glycerin in the microwave. Smaller chunks melt faster. Start with medium power and 30-second intervals.


  • When melted, add cream or milk to your soap and stir. If you end up with about two cups of melted glycerine, start with 1/4 cup of milk or cream. Pour into your container to firm up!


  • The cream or milk acts as your conditioner. Don’t worry, it won’t go rancid.


  • Mix all the ingredients in a container with a lid and let it solidify.


Horse treats


Treating your horse with homemade goodies is a fun DIY project and a great way to bond with your equine companion. Making your own horse treats allows you to control the ingredients and ensure your horse gets a healthy snack. Here’s a simple recipe to try:

2 cups of oats

1 cup of flour

1 cup of shredded carrots

1/2 cup of molasses

1/4 cup of water

Mix it all up and cook for 15 minutes or so at 350°F


flax for horses Thank you!

I love this flax for cookies!


Another option is to assemble some dry ingredients that your horse likes and experiment with quantities:


    • Shredded carrots
    • Flax – I like stabilized flax that I don’t have to grind myself, and some come with added pre-and pre-biotics for digestive health.
    • Oats
    • Shredded apples
    • Celery


  • Then, add a binder to keep your ingredients together. You could try
    • Molasses
    • Banana
    • Water
    • Applesauce
  • Then, form your cookies and pop them in the oven!


  • You can also consult your veterinarian to ensure your ingredients are safe for your horse. DIY for horses treats are a cost-effective alternative to store-bought treats and can be made in large batches to last for weeks.

Grooming wipes


  • Grooming wipes are a convenient DIY project for maintaining your horse’s hygiene. Use these wipes to clean your horse’s face, ears, and other sensitive areas. To make your grooming wipes, you’ll need: 
    • A roll of strong paper towels – I like the shop towels that you find at auto stores
    • A container with a lid
    • Water
    • A few glugs of no-rinse shampoo or spot-remover for horses.


  • Assembly is easy: Stuff your towels into your container, leaving a little bit of room to shake things around. Then fill with water and a few capfuls of your no-rinse horse shampoo. Don’t go overboard; you want the cloths to absorb most of the liquid. Then, shake or squish things around.


  • As you use a cloth, ring it out before touching your horse as you don’t want drips.


rusty horseshoe with metal brush


Horseshoe crafts


Horseshoe crafts are a creative DIY project that allows you to repurpose old horseshoes and add a personalized touch to your equestrian space. Here are a few ideas:

  • Horseshoe towel holders: Attach horseshoes to a wooden board to create rustic towel holders for your barn or stable.
  • Horseshoe picture frames: Use horseshoes to create unique picture frames for your favorite equestrian photos.
  • Horseshoe wine racks: Arrange horseshoes in a creative pattern to make a wine rack that showcases your love for horses.
  • Horseshoe coat hooks: Attach horseshoes to a wooden plank to create stylish and functional coat hooks or whatever puts a bee in your bonnet.

And the best place to gather horseshoes – from your farrier!


How to prep a horseshoe for crafting


  • You’ll want to remove and rust and seal the horseshoe before using it. Grind off any rust or use a metal brush. For the nitty-gritty rust, you can soak the horseshoe in citric acid (like the veggie canning type) or vinegar. Using vinegar takes longer, but you may have more time than me.


  • Then, you can seal the horseshoe with lacquer, a spray, or any paint designed especially for metal. Hopefully, your imagination will take over, and you will go nutty with your horse-inspired craft.

Fly spray for horses


  • Keeping flies away from your horse is essential for their comfort and well-being. Instead of purchasing commercial fly sprays, you can make your own natural and effective fly spray using essential oils. Here’s a simple recipe:


    • 2 cups of apple cider vinegar
    • 1 cup of water
    • A few drops of drops of citronella, eucalyptus, or lavender essential oil
    • A few drops of dish soap
    • Some Avon Skin-So-Soft if you can find it


  • Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well before each use. Spray the mixture onto your horse’s coat, avoiding the eyes and sensitive areas.


  • The scent of the essential oils repels some flies, providing your horse with relief from these pesky insects. However, some insects are attracted to lovely smells, and your fly spray may end up as an attractant.


  • And I can’t stress this part enough – do a patch test on your horse with each ingredient to ensure your horse won’t have a whole-body reaction, like hives.


fly spraying the belly of a horse

There are so many different fly sprays out there – or you can make your own.


Bit wipes


  • Cleaning your horse’s bit is essential for their comfort and to maintain good oral hygiene. This is another one of my favorite DIY projects for horses. Bit wipes are convenient for keeping your horse’s bit clean and fresh. To make your own, you’ll need:


    • Bring on the shop towels! You may want to cut them down a bit
    • A container or baggie
    • Rubbing alcohol- but just a capful
    • Peppermint oil – just a few drops.


  • Just as you would make grooming wipes, make bit wipes the same way. Assemble your ingredients, fill with water, add your oil and alcohol, and mix. The alcohol is for preservation and mold prevention and evaporates so quickly that none will be left for the next ride.


  • Dampen the cloth or baby wipes with the bit cleaner solution and use it to wipe down the bit after each use. This helps remove any residue or food particles stuck to the bit. Regularly cleaning your horse’s bit ensures their comfort and helps prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. Consult your vet if you have questions about your horse’s mouth and dental health.


DIY horses fly bonnets


  • Here’s a stellar example of a DIY I have no business trying myself, so I’ll refer you to these amazing videos I spotted.




Homemade Barn Cleaner


Gather these ingredients for homemade barn cleaner – because we all know how much time equestrians spend cleaning things:

  • Vinegar – distilled white is best for cleaning (tons more uses for vinegar here!)
  • Baking soda
  • Reusable bottle with a nozzle
  • Water
  • Maybe a lemon or two
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Olive oil

For some of these uses, think back to elementary school volcano making. Baking soda and vinegar make the lava and help clean things around the barn. So, DIY a volcano at the barn.

For stained laundry:


  • Hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate yellow sweat stains, blood stains, and grass stains. It can also lighten fabrics, so do a patch test on your purple saddle pad in an inconspicuous area first. This is a great DIY for horses white stuff – like show saddle pads.


  •  Make a 2:1 baking soda to water paste and pretreat any stains. This may also bleed out some of your item’s color, but will work to lift stains before you launder.


  • Vinegar in the rinse cycle of the laundry is also a fabric softener if you like that sort of thing.


baking soda container

For more than just baking!


Cleaning bathrooms:


  • Lemons can help remove hard water stains. And they come with their own “handle” after you cut them in half. 


  • For general bathroom cleaning, use a 1:1 vinegar-water combo in a spray bottle. Avoid grout lines and natural stone surfaces. Full-strength vinegar can also help remove toilet stains in the bowl.


  • Your baking soda scrub that was made for laundry can gently buff stains from grout and counters, too.


Cleaning wood surfaces:


  • Olive oil, vinegar, and some water in your spray bottle make a nice wood cleaner. Be careful with the olive oil amount, it can leave the wood greasy and therefore a wonderful way to attract more dust.


For cleaning stall fronts and stuff:


  • Try your vinegar and water mixture, you may need to toss in some baking soda, too.


For cleaning out drains:


  • Drains are the stinkiest things to clean, but using baking soda can help. Use one portion of baking soda (try 1/2 cup at first for a small drain). Pour in the drain! Follow that with the same amount of vinegar. And yes, you will get the elementary school science fair volcano reaction. Let this simmer for a few minutes, like 5 or 10, then flush with scalding hot water.


Fly traps


  • Fly traps are an effective DIY solution for helping to control flies in your barn or stable. Here are a few DIY fly trap ideas:


    • Bottle fly trap: Cut a plastic bottle in half and fill the bottom half with a mixture of water, vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap. Invert the top half of the bottle and place it into the bottom half, creating a funnel. Flies will be attracted to the mixture and get trapped in the bottle.
    • Vinegar fly trap: Fill a jar or bowl with apple cider vinegar and cover it with plastic wrap. Poke small holes in the plastic wrap. Flies will be attracted to the vinegar and get trapped in the jar.


  • When hanging fly traps, put them away from your horse’s living environment to draw the flies there and not right into your horse’s stall or shed. You also need to work on fly control from all angles – like the larval stage – by using fly predators.


wall of fake flowers

This is some of the flower selection from my local dollar store.


DIY for Horses – jump decor


  • Adding decorative elements to your horse jumps can make your equestrian space more vibrant and personalized and sometimes scare the heck outta your horse. Here are some ideas for DIY horse jumps.


    • Painted jump poles: Use stencils and acrylic paint to create patterns or designs on your jump poles.
    • Flower box jump fillers: Plant flowers or herbs in wooden boxes and attach them to your jump fillers for a natural and colorful look. Pro money-saving tip – hit up the dollar store for inexpensive fake flowers.
    • Jump flags: Create your own jump flags using fabric, ribbons, or burlap. Add personalized designs or your horse’s name.
    • Use yoga mats or old horse blankets to mimic lava. I mean water.


  • Hit up craft stores after the holidays for big savings on seasonal merch that can decorate your jumps.


Saddle pad racks made by you


  • One essential DIY project for horse lovers is a saddle pad rack. This simple project helps you keep your saddle pads organized and easily accessible. You can create a saddle pad rack using basic woodworking skills and materials easily available at any home improvement store – or scraps around the barn or garage.


  • There are various designs and styles to choose from, depending on your preferences, the number of saddle pads you have, and what types of saddle pads.


  • Fair warning – I have zero skill in construction, but I can sure search the heck out of DIY horse projects, and here are some that I found.




Grooming totes


Grooming totes are another fantastic DIY project for horse lovers. Having a well-organized grooming tote is essential for keeping all your grooming tools in one place and makes horse show packing easier . You can create your own grooming tote using a sturdy tote bag or a plastic container – perhaps even a giant supplement tub for the wash rack supplies?

If sewing is your jam, add compartments or pockets to keep your brushes, combs, and other grooming tools organized. You can also personalize your grooming tote by adding your horse’s name or a fun design for that extra touch. Full disclosure here, too—I stink at these projects, so I found you some.

Here’s a fancy DIY equestrian tote – complete with pattern!


  • If you reuse a supplement tub, drill a hole in the bottom for drainage for your horse shampoos and such. This is quite helpful if you have terrible aim with a hose or need to keep your horse’s stuff separate.


  • Supplement tubs are also super as planters, dressage court letters, trash cans, and places to store rarely used stuff. You could have a mane and tail tub, a braiding kit tub, or something similar.


I practically dare you to do some DIY for horses, if nothing else, they can be good for a laugh and a few extra dollars in your bank account. And while Pinterest is always a good source for inspo, it’s up to you to make it your own with horse DIY projects.


go shopping button for horse products


Please shop these affiliate links from Amazon; it helps me keep this blog afloat and you will have fun being a DIY equestrian. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but it’s ZERO extra cents to you.  You can also visit my Amazon storefront here:  PEG storefront.

Shapley's Easy-Out No Rinse Shampoo 32 fl.oz
$15.95 $15.05

Spot removing, deodorizing, dust busting, shine adding spray.

01/20/2025 10:33 am GMT
Big Hoss - Outlaw Nutrition

Omega 3's plus gut health support in a delicious cold milled flax formula. It's delicious and it will turn your horse's coat into a mirror.

Thank you! 


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