The 3 necessary hoof medications to keep


I can’t seem to come up with another word besides “goop” to describe this subject. And I’m talking about the medicinal type of “goop” here, not polishes and dressings and fancy twinkle toes type stuff.


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jar of epsom salts paste and jar of ichthammol


Ichthammol – a stinky hoof goop!


  • Ichthammol is a very common and well-known drawing salve – used to draw out inflammation. It’s also a bit reminiscent of asphalt or tar, in my opinion. It works to soften the tissues surrounding an injury and to help relieve and draw out swelling. When it comes to the hoof, it’s appropriate to use for the treatment of an abscess.


ichthammol hoof goop

Ichthammol is also used for wounds. As you can see, it’s pretty goopy.


  • If you suspect your horse has an abscess, it’s best to consult your veterinarian. Certainly, your farrier can use his hoof testers to locate a tender spot, but it’s your veterinarian that needs to be the one to dig into the hoof. Reason? Looking for, and subsequently helping to drain an abscess, involves going into the soft tissues of the hoof, a job for a veterinarian. These soft tissues involve nerves, blood supply, and other sensitive structures.


  • Once you have a diagnosis of an abscess, you can likely proceed with an ichthammol packing. Great time to use some diapers and study up on packing hooves!



diaper for horses

Diapers are your hoof packing friend.



hoof wrap on a horse hoof

An exterior hoof wrap is handy, also.


Epsom salt paste or Magna paste – a bright green hoof goop


  • Epsom salt paste is another very common poultice product that you can use on the hooves. This is typically a light green color, and its base is Epsom salts, logically. Am I giving away my age if I say that I know about Epsom salt baths?


  • Use it for suspected bruises until you can get confirmation from your Veterinarian! It can also be used for sore muscles and joints, but I’ll go ahead and warn you that it will stain your horse’s legs a lovely light green. Not easy to get out of horsehair.


epsom salt poultice jar

You can almost see the salty grains in this Epsom salt paste.


Sugardine – a DIY hoof goop


  • You should also know about sugardine, and how it can be used on hooves. You would only be using sugardine under the treatment of a veterinarian, but it’s still handy to have the ingredients around. You will need sugar and betadine solution, not betadine scrub. Mix to a paste. Tah-dah!


  • Veterinarians use sugardine as an antimicrobial and osmotic agent when there are open wounds on the hoof. It can be used to treat open cracks or open tracks made on the outside of the hoof wall after a veterinary procedure. The sugardine can help protect the exposed laminae.


So, to be absolutely prepared for any hoof situation, you should have all three things on hand. I keep mine in the First Aid kit for handy access.


I should also be very specific when I say that none of these are solutions for thrush. I’ll also add that anything hoof-related can be critical, if only to rule out laminitis. Don’t hesitate to call your veterinarian. Trust me on this one – your veterinarian would rather make one trip for a false alarm over any number of trips for something more serious.


PS- all three of these concoctions are also a great reason to wear rubber or latex gloves.


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09/10/2024 01:23 am GMT
The Essential Hoof Book: The Complete Modern Guide to Horse Feet BOOK
$45.00 $29.36

If hooves are your jam, this book is for you. 

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Horse Health Joint Combo Hoof & Coat Supplement 30 Day Supply
$68.99 $58.99

A simple and trusted hoof supplement.

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EASYCARE Easyboot Rx Therapy

For added squish during laminitis or other painful hoof trauma.

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Magic Cushion Hoof Packing 4LBS

The gold standard for stinging hooves and anytime you need to pack the hooves.

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EasyCare Easyboot Cloud Hoof Boot

Support and softness for laminitis and other painful hoof conditions.

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Grand Circuit White Lightning Liquid (64 oz)

Buy bulk and save! This is great for stubborn hoof infections like seedy toe and thrush.

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Quiessence (Large-14 lbs)

This supplement helps high-laminitis risk horses and has calming ingredients like magnesium.

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Professional's Choice Ballistic No-Turn Overreach Bell Boots

The gold standard for bell boots in a rainbow of colors.

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CENTAUR Double Tab Bell Boots

So bright and fun for hoof protection.

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Cavallo Horse & Rider Sport Regular Sole Hoof Boot

These boots are my favorite for wrapping hooves with poultice or clay and a diaper. No more duct tape boots! You can also use inserts with these for more squish.

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Cavallo Simple Hoof Boot for Horses, Size 3, Black

This style is great to protect the hoof, but is not soft and squishy for laminitis cases.

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CHALLENGER Crease Nail Puller Shoe

Using this makes shoe removal easy!

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EasyCare Glove Hoof Boot
$93.95 $82.95

These boots are great for protecting barefoot horses.

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Silver Bells - Sox For Horses

For hoof protection when equine pastern dermatitis is a risk.

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Handson Ergonomic Hoof Pick

This is the strongest hoof pick available!

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Thank you!

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