What goes on the barn bulletin board?


I love white erase boards and bulletin boards for the barn! They provide a great way to share information and can help you have a successful and easy emergency system.


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Of course, much of the critical information about our horses should be located on a stall or paddock card, but there’s a lot of other stuff to have handy on a bulletin board, too.



white board on the outside of a stall

White erase boards are great for barn announcements.


Some ideas for the bulletin board:


  • Barn Address and landline phone number. Know the address and phone so you can tell emergency operators, farriers, vets, visitors.


  • Location of critical things around the farm
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Water shut off valves. Ever had a busted pipe?? That water flows until someone turns it off.
    • Gate override. If the power goes out, you need a way in and out of the property.
    • First aid kits (horse and human).



  • Boarder’s phone numbers and emergency contacts.


  • Vet and Farrier phone numbers. If the barn is huge and everyone has their own preferences, then those numbers can go on the stall name cards.


  • You can also use a strategically placed bulletin board for show sign-ups, training tips, or other farm news! And by strategically placed I mean where everyone will see it.


barn bulletin board in the barhroom

A great location for barn announcements!


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