To blanket or not to blanket your horse!
To blanket, or not to blanket your horse. There is no easy answer here, except that it varies for each and every horse out there.
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- I’m not a fan of the “blanketing is unnatural” argument for several reasons – one being that very little of what we do is “natural” for domesticated horses.
- We need to do what we can to make them comfortable and safe. And sometimes that includes blankets. There are plenty of horses out there that can benefit from a blanket.
So. Much. Cold.
Consider these factors about horse blanketing:
- How hairy does your horse get? If he’s crazy hairy, I would first start to wonder if he’s part yak and then I might call the veterinarian to test for some metabolic issues that can be common in horses. If he gets hairy enough to keep him warm at night, is it too much hair for the daytime? If so, a clip job may be in order, and then you will need to blanket.
- Cushing’s disease in horses sometimes creates an ultra-thick hair coat, often with trouble shedding out. Even some summer coats can become thicker and uncomfortable.
- What if he doesn’t get hairy at all? Many breeds have much “thinner skin” and seemingly barely grow a coat at all. Add a cold climate and that makes for some very uncomfortable nights. My red-headed horse’s idea of a winter coat is three extra eyelashes.
The beauty of blankets is that you have tons to pick from – a solution for every horse!
- What’s your climate like? Are you inside the arctic circle, or can you wear shorts during the holidays? Remember that horses grow a coat depending on the amount of light in a day – not the temperature. Never have a night below 50? You may never need to use more than a sheet.
- Is your horse clipped? Many show horses are clipped so they can compete all year long. Competitions aside, if you are actively training your horse in the winter and sweat is a daily occurrence, you may consider clipping so that the drying time is vastly reduced.
- A clipped horse may also avoid some dangers of a winter coat, such as overheating. If you live in Florida or many of the southern areas, a winter coat is just plain unfair as temps can still be in the 80’s during the day. If your horse is clipped – he most likely needs a blanket!
- Is your horse a “hard keeper”? Horses that are naked during the winter must heat themselves from the inside, which means they need a lot more hay and food to produce that heat. This is not a viable option for many horse owners – pasture may be dormant, hay prices are higher now, the boarding facility may not be able to provide that service. Many older horses lose weight in an effort to stay warm. Pay attention and help with blankets if you can. You can learn more about “hard keepers” here!
- Now I’m really going to open a can of worms and address the “hair gets matted down under a blanket and effectively makes your horse colder as air can’t get in between the hairs and act as an insulator”. Yes, but if you use a thick enough blanket, you have no worries here. Layering a few thinner blankets will create a warmer environment also, and it makes removal easier as you can strip layers as the temperature allows instead of switching blankets. Bottom line is to use a blanket if your horse needs help getting and staying warm.
- You will need to balance out his needs with what his natural coat can do. If he’s getting skinny, or overheated during the day, make some adjustments to his lifestyle to make it easier for him.
Remember that every horse is different, and what works for yours may not work for your neighbor. There is no hard and fast rule here, except that you have a lot to consider during winter about how to help your horse be comfortable and healthy and safe.
When considering using blankets in the winter, you can also reference these articles about blankets:
Blanketing 101 – how to buy a blanket
Blanketing 102 – best blanket care tips
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This sheepskin care liquid is great for horse products and sheepskin horse accessories.
This is SO SATISFYING to shrink up your seasonal horse blankets and gear.
Plus you can keep dust and rodents out of your horse's blankets while saving space.
A classic pattern in a modern colorway. And it's so thick!
Soak up all the sweat and water with this Irish Knit, best for warm weather use.
Irish knits are the best wicking coolers for warmer weather.
Square coolers are traditional and versatile, and wick more than a fleece cooler.
Help your horse cool out in hot and humid weather.
This style is great for riding!
Keep your horse dry and visible with this reflective quarter sheet.
This heavyweight turnout blanket gets even warmer with the neck.
Sweet itch is best battled by not letting those annoying midges bite your horse.
For horses with sweet itch and other insect allergies, more coverage is better.
This turnout sheet doesn't have fill, and is great for windy and rainy days.
This affordable heavy blanket will keep your horse warm in the worst weather and cold snap.
Be seen from space with this hi-viz quarter sheet. Keep your horse's bum safe and dry.
Keep your horse dry and spiffy with this cooler combo. Love the neck for fast drying.
Keep your horse dry during bad weather, this rain sheet is also great for windy days.
These fly masks are fantastic for protecting ears and eyes, and do great under halters and grazing muzzles to stop rubs and hairless patches.
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