My Top 3 Horse Grooming Priorities


At one time, for many years, my job as a Groom was to make sure the horses in my care were happy, comfortable, sound, and well-groomed. Sure, my job title was technically Groom, but how much of my day was spent actually grooming? Not much, in the grand scheme of things.


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My days in the horse grooming world were largely consumed by three things:


  • The horse’s legs and hooves, the horse’s movement, and everything else that created good health and comfort for the horse. That’s it. And then there is the grooming. And come to think of it, it’s the same now. Even the pasture pets have the same priorities.



Take care of legs and hooves on a daily basis.



Daily inspections.


  • While I call this a daily inspection of horse legs and hooves, it really happens multiple times a day. In the morning during feeding, before and after riding, before and after turnout or hand walking or lungeing, during the last feeding. Heat, swelling, lumps, bumps, cuts, and anything else that’s new are on the radar. Inspecting the coronary band and heel bulbs is critical. The coronary band is where the horse’s hoof originates, and injuries there can affect hoof growths, cracks, and even soundness.


Then there’s a whole slew of things to do with ice and poultice.


  • Legs and joints are always iced, and sometimes poultice is added, too. Both serve to reduce inflammation and help the legs recover from exercise. If there’s an injury, ice is the first line of defense, along with a quick call to the Vet. I’m not a fan of the “wait and see” approach to horse care. Often times this results as a “wait and see your Vet bill get larger and larger and larger”.


  • Legs are wrapped as needed. I’m not a huge fan of adding more work and more laundry to the day, but in some cases, wrapping legs is absolutely necessary. Standing wraps are a must on my list after a poultice or leg sweat, the cleanup is easy then and your horse’s nose hasn’t smeared clay or furazone all over the place. And there are no shavings stuck onto the poultice or sweat if you top it all with a wrap.


close up of horse knees

It’s good to memorize your horse, every last inch. Inspect these amazing legs daily!



  • I’ll also wrap legs for shipping, exercise, turn-out for some horses, and a medical reason when the Vet says “wrap it”. The situation determines the type of wrap or bandage or boot, and every horse will have his own set of situations where leg protection is required.


  • When it comes to wrapping both legs or one leg in the case of an injury, the verdict is out. Many of us learned that if you wrap one, you wrap both. Current knowledge from the brains of Vets say that you might need to only wrap one leg, it depends. For more on this hotly debated topic, this article’s for you.


  • Generally speaking, I will wrap a horse or use shipping boots for travel in a trailer or plane. One instance of a horse slipping off the side of a ramp solidified that for me. It was an instant lesson in anatomy, first aid, and finger crossing that a de-gloved leg would heal without incidence. I’ve known horses that can’t tolerate shipping boots above the knees and/or hocks, so they get wrapped and bell booted. Just put something on those precious legs.


  • For exercise, it’s usually dependent on the horse and what he’s doing that day. Polos for honor rounds, open fronts for jumping, splint boots for gallop sets, sport boots for flatting, nothing fleece for bad weather or schooling through water. There are times to use polos, and times for sport boots.


chestnut horse with thin white sport boots on legs

This is one style of sport boot for horses.


  • I also spend time with my clippers to make sure of good leg health. This was partly for show, as tidy lower legs doing fancy things in the sandbox looks good. I can also see and inspect the amazingly critical coronary band by keeping it clipped. A tidy or clipped lower leg also makes it easier to check skin health (scratches anyone??) and apply any meds as needed. A tidy lower leg is also easier to manage during mud season.


  • The reason that leg health is at the top of the priority list is that a horse’s soundness and health starts at the hoof. As a Groom, my observations were key to helping a horse stay healthy and comfortable. There are times where I had to video a horse trotting across the field or under saddle. Or while lunging. I worked with the Vets and Farriers, which might include jogging and sharing observations. Digital pulse information was logged, as was the other info about vital signs and hydration. It’s the same today.



Helping horses with movement and exercise.



I’m a firm believer that for the most part, moving things helps you not lose things. Motion is lotion. However you want to say it. With any horse – Olympic or otherwise, keeping their body moving helps with recovery from exercise, wards off stiffness, and can help with fitness.


  • It starts during the grooming and tacking up process. Grooming is, in itself, a great way to check and massage your horse’s muscles. I’m also paying extra attention to the croup and loins, which gives preliminary insights into saddle fit, too.


  • There were many days when I would hand walk a horse to warm him up for his rider, and also cool them off with a hand walk. Always moving to help their bodies prep and come back from the hard work. I will still hand-walk my horse for various reasons, sometimes just because I can.


dark horse being lunged at a horse show


  • Other ways of keeping the horses moving were with lungeing, hand walking in the afternoon before they get “tucked in”, using the hot walker, hand walking, and turning out. Sure, many of those things are “high-performance horse” things to do, but the point is there are many ways to move your horse’s bones around. Now it’s 24/7 turnout and riding almost every day.


  • Bonus – lots of steps for me, too.



Overall health and comfort:



This list is broad, and definitely varied for each horse that I worked with. But the goal was always the same – keep the routine logical for the horses, and keep their stress low.


  • Keeping their digestive systems moving is key here, not only for chewing, mental health, and ulcer prevention, but mental relaxation as well. Fortified meals were fed three times daily, with grazing and hay for the rest of the day and night.


  • The performance horses could go out with friends in some situations, and always had the ability to see other horses during turnout and in the barn. This is a good practice anyway, regardless of your horse’s performance status.



wool saddle flocking tools

Legs and backs and necks and attitudes are askew when the saddle doesn’t fit.



  • Vet visits were regularly scheduled for soundness and overall health. The saddle fitter came every few months or as needed, and the Farrier and Chiropractor were there as well to keep up maximum comfort and stress reduction.


  • The horses were also allowed to play, roll, buck, and trot around, and be themselves. And yes, they got filthy. This is still the standard operating procedure for me!


Grooming was at the very bottom of the list when I was caring for the super fancy show horses. Sure, the horses were spotless at the end of the day and before exercise, but most of what we did for the horses overlapped with grooming.


Now that I’m not grooming in a formal sense of the word, how have these priorities changed? They haven’t. Health and comfort are always at the top of the list. Perhaps my horse is a smidge dirtier than he used to be, but it works for the old guy.




Click these links to shop for horse supplies. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, which are not a penny more for you. I couldn’t be more grateful for your support! You can also visit my Amazon storefront here:  PEG storefront.

iProven Pet Thermometer for Accurate Fever Detection
$14.97 $9.97

Every horse owner needs a digital thermometer for fast and accurate vital signs

02/09/2025 10:23 am GMT
Horse Health Joint Combo Hoof & Coat Supplement 30 Day Supply

A simple and trusted hoof supplement.

02/09/2025 05:27 am GMT
EasyCare Easyboot Rx Therapy Hoof Boot 0

For added squish during laminitis or other painful hoof trauma.

02/09/2025 01:44 pm GMT
Magic Cushion Hoof Packing 4LBS

The gold standard for stinging hooves and anytime you need to pack the hooves.

02/09/2025 05:28 am GMT
Back on Track Therapeutic Welltex No Bow Leg Wraps for Horses - One Pair

Hi-quality no-bows with Back On Track reputation (that's good!)

02/09/2025 10:37 am GMT
Eskadron - Tendon Boots PRO Flex Classic Front

These boots are the gold standard for jumpers and horses that like to interfere. 

02/08/2025 11:23 pm GMT
02/09/2025 12:23 pm GMT
EasyCare Easyboot Cloud Hoof Boot

Support and softness for laminitis and other painful hoof conditions.

02/09/2025 05:28 am GMT
Back on Track Therapeutic Knee Boots

No more bed sores!

02/09/2025 06:24 am GMT
02/09/2025 12:58 pm GMT
02/09/2025 10:54 am GMT
Grand Circuit White Lightning Liquid (64 oz)
$114.00 $99.95

Buy bulk and save! This is great for stubborn hoof infections like seedy toe and thrush.

02/09/2025 05:28 am GMT
Quiessence (Large-14 lbs)
$85.98 $81.99

This supplement helps high-laminitis risk horses and has calming ingredients like magnesium.

02/09/2025 05:28 am GMT
Professional's Choice Ballistic No-Turn Overreach Bell Boots

The gold standard for bell boots in a rainbow of colors.

02/09/2025 03:24 pm GMT
Kavallerie Classic Tendon Boots
$59.99 $50.99

Classic, clean, stylish boots for your horse. Great for jumping.

02/08/2025 06:12 pm GMT
Weaver Leather Polo Leg Wraps, 4-Pack, Cactus

Be practical when wrapping your horse's legs with a traditional color, but toss in some spice with the understated pattern!

02/09/2025 03:24 pm GMT
CENTAUR Double Tab Bell Boots

So bright and fun for hoof protection.

HORZE High-Visibility Reflective Neoprene Protective Horse Boots, Pair

Protect your horse's legs and let them shine bright.

02/09/2025 03:23 pm GMT
02/09/2025 03:22 pm GMT
Finish Line Horse Products Fura Free Gel (1 lb)

This salve is an alternative to Fura-Zone!

02/09/2025 10:23 am GMT
Cavallo Horse & Rider Sport Regular Sole Hoof Boot

These boots are my favorite for wrapping hooves with poultice or clay and a diaper. No more duct tape boots! You can also use inserts with these for more squish.

02/09/2025 05:13 am GMT
Cavallo Simple Hoof Boot for Horses, Size 3, Black
$180.00 $155.93

This style is great to protect the hoof, but is not soft and squishy for laminitis cases.

02/09/2025 05:33 am GMT
Woof Wear Reflective Club Boot - Lime

Show off your horse's legs with these safe, reflective, and fashionable boots.

02/09/2025 11:43 am GMT
CHALLENGER Crease Nail Puller Shoe

Using this makes shoe removal easy!

02/09/2025 03:07 pm GMT
EASYCARE Easyboot Glove Soft Hoof Boot for Horses, Neoprene, Elastic Gaiter, All-Terrain Tread (2)
$93.95 $80.86

These boots are great for protecting barefoot horses.

02/09/2025 10:23 am GMT
02/09/2025 06:48 am GMT
EquiFit Silver Individual Pack Horse, Black

These SilverSox are great for protecting the legs from rubs, help with scratches and mud fever, and provide some compression, too.

02/08/2025 06:33 pm GMT
Whinny Wellies from Sox For Horses

Tough, weather-resistant covering for wraps and bandaging.

Silver Bells - Sox For Horses

For hoof protection when equine pastern dermatitis is a risk.

02/09/2025 08:08 am GMT
02/09/2025 06:59 am GMT
Handson Ergonomic Hoof Pick

This is the strongest hoof pick available!

02/09/2025 09:28 am GMT
EASYCARE Easyboot Glove Soft Hoof Boot for Horses, Neoprene, Elastic Gaiter, All-Terrain Tread (2.5)
$93.95 $82.90

These are amazing for riding. They take some wrestling to get on, but they will stay on.

02/09/2025 10:23 am GMT
02/09/2025 05:33 am GMT
Ernst Grain & Livestock Midwest Agri Shredded Beet Pulp with Molasses, 30 lbs

The molasses makes it more delicious, but that's not great for all horses.

02/09/2025 11:29 am GMT
Metabarol Horse Supplement Pellets with Resveratrol, Metabolic Support Supplement, 3.3 lbs

This supplement for metabolic disorders is vet recommended and has science to back it up!

02/09/2025 06:03 am GMT
Big Hoss - Outlaw Nutrition

Omega 3's plus gut health support in a delicious cold milled flax formula. It's delicious and it will turn your horse's coat into a mirror.

Halters and Muzzles from GG Equine

These grazing muzzle halters have adjustable throat latches and extra strapping to help prevent removal.

Use code 15PROEQUINE for a sitewide discount on muzzles, halters, accessories, and slow feeders.

You Can Train Your Horse to Do Anything BOOK

This book is a wonderful, step-by-step guide to helping you "clicker train" your horse with positive reinforcement.

02/09/2025 07:54 am GMT
Teaching Horses with Positive Reinforcement BOOK

A Guide to Achieving Success with Clicker Training. A great book about horse behavior and how to successfully train your horse with kindness.

02/09/2025 11:53 am GMT
The Power of Positive Horse Training: Saying Yes to Your Horse
$29.99 $26.61

Why would you do it any other way?

02/09/2025 01:58 am GMT
Horse Behaviour Exposed BOOK
$24.99 $18.22

Learn the language of horses

02/09/2025 08:33 am GMT
02/09/2025 12:03 pm GMT
02/09/2025 07:48 am GMT

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