Setting up a grooming stall at a horse show
To plan this one, let’s assume you are spending the night and you have also reserved an extra stall for use as a grooming stall and storage area. If you have multiple horses, it’s often a good idea to have more than one extra stall reserved, so that you have a storage room for hay/grain, tack, etc. and one for grooming.
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Here are some ideas on how to set up a grooming stall at a horse show.
A typical showground – stalls, grooming stalls, and stuff spilling out to the barn aisle.
- Let’s assume you only have one extra stall for everything you need. This means that you may need to do some clearing out so that your horse can actually fit in there safely during the day to use the crossties. At night, pile everything back in and lock up. You can make room for your horse again in the morning by clearing out some trunks and things.
A highly artistic drawing of a grooming stall setup. You may need to do some creative shuffling of stuff during the day so your horse can safely fit when you are grooming.
- Depending on the stall, it’s really nice to have some sort of flooring that isn’t dirt. Those plastic rugs that fold nicely are very common and easy to use at the show to cover the floor IF a horse will not be stepping on them, like for your hay area or lounge area. For a grooming stall where a horse will be standing, use a thin rubber mat if you like. They are easy to roll and secure with bailing twine for transport and allow for easy grooming of hooves and legs without the dirt floor getting all over things.
These storage shelves are easy to set up and transport.
- Let’s assume your horse will need to be in the grooming stall to get ready for his classes. I sometimes use the regular stall to groom and braid, so the horse can feel more comfortable and perhaps have some hay snacks.
- For some horses, they really need the grooming stall. I prefer to attach a set of breakaway cross ties so that the horse stands diagonally in the stall, you will have more room. This leaves the corners for your “stuff”. It’s easier and safer to have the tack on a rack and hook outside of the stall. After the day is over, put your tack into the grooming stall for locking.
- Watch that hooks you hang for tack are nowhere near hooves or eyes or mouths or legs. The same goes for trunks or bags or whatnot. Rule of thumb – don’t leave your horse unattended.
Making the most of the grooming stall
Rolling trunks make horse shows easier.
- Hang bailing twine across the walls of the grooming stall and use these lines to hang blankets, boots, wraps, and saddle pads. A piece of twine about 3 or 4 feet in length works well. You can also use a stall guard if you have them. Secure each end with a staple if you can, or use a screw eye in the wall.
- Stall guards make handy holders for saddle pads, sheets, and horse boots.

- Have a designated area for laundry and trash. At day’s end, empty the trash and take the laundry to the trailer, and store there.
- Have a few hooks handy to hang bridles for cleaning, they are also good to toss your halters onto.
- Have trunks with wheels.
- Label, label, label. Preferably before you get to the show!
- Screw eyes are great for hanging buckets for water, as well as hanging buckets of grooming supplies in the grooming stall. This keeps hooves out of trouble. (We hope!!)
- Don’t forget your padlocks to secure everything.
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Clean anything and store anything with this versatile hook. Easy to bring to horse shows, too!
If you love options, this surcingle has a kabillion rings to pick from.
This is the best broom for getting every last bit of shavings out of the barn aisle.
Keep all of your poops in a group with this handy tote.
Classy and practical stall guard, custom made for you!
Let your horse have the best view with this spiffy stall guard!
No escaping, please.
Keep your horse dry during bad weather, this rain sheet is also great for windy days.
This is SO SATISFYING to shrink up your seasonal horse blankets and gear.
Be sure to check the size. Don't want doll house size or marshmallow man size, either.
Vertical storage is the best! No more digging through trunks.
Keep your horse's water and noms warm this winter.
You will be amazed at what the ground will throw at ya.
Plus you can keep dust and rodents out of your horse's blankets while saving space.
Thank you!