The horse grooming kit must have – a pair of clippers!


A pair of clippers is not only for horses that are clipped – it’s for the totally unclipped horse, too. For one reason alone: Wound care.


  • When you find a cut, nick, or wound the easiest way to see what’s going on is to clip the area. This allows the Vet to determine the severity of the wound, and it also allows you to better apply bandages and medications.


  • This also allows you to easily monitor for signs of infection. Think about a case of scratches – the name of the game is clean and dry – that’s hard to do with lots of hair. It’s also hard to apply meds to a sore covered in hair.


trimmers body clippers and shears

When properly cared for, clippers can last you a lifetime!


It’s also nice to tidy up your horse with clippers, even if you don’t do full or partial body clip.


  • Bridle paths make bridles and halters fit more comfortably. These take minutes to clip, and your horse will instantly be spruced up and more comfortable in his tack.



  • For some situations, like a blazing hot summer or a horse with anhidrosis, clipping some air conditioning stripes under the neck and along the belly help with cooling your horse.


For show horses, clippers are your best friend!


  • Many show horses are clipped year-round, for ease of grooming and cooling while competing in hot weather.


  • The metabolically challenged horse or the horse in work can benefit from a trace or full body clip in the winter.

Clippers are also great at banging tails, trimming tail tops, creating an even coronary band, taming fetlock wildness, removing stray ear hairs, you name it. Invest in a good pair and take care of the blades and your clippers will last a lifetime.


power grip clippers on fetlocks

This is just taking off the longest of feathers in the back. For a show horse, I might clip the leg completely.


When you are shopping for a pair of clippers, you don’t have to get the yak trimming model for body clipping if you are looking for a first aid pair for trims and clipping wounds.


  • The tiny handheld varieties are great for tiny areas, not for clipping wounds and larger areas.


  • Most clipper motors are light, medium, and heavy-duty. Look for models with quiet motors, multiple speeds, and high-quality blades. More on blade selection here!


  • Some top-notch models are even designed to stay cool, minimize or eliminate vibration in your hand, and be cordless!


  • I actually prefer a corded model, as you never have to worry about the batter being uncharged. But, for horses that equate cords with hideous horse-eating snakes, you may want to go this route.


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WAHL Professional Animal Bravura Cordless Trimmers

This cordless trimmer is powerful and comes with the 5-in-2 blade system for versatility.

02/14/2025 07:12 am GMT
Wahl Professional Animal KMC+ 2-Speed Cordless Clipper Kit

This is my favorite clipper - It's great for body clipping, trace clipping, and trimming. Cordless for the win!

02/13/2025 11:13 pm GMT

Thank you! 



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