Tack room organization tips!


Here’s the thing about your tack room – it’s usually a go or it’s a no! Here are some tips on making things work in your barn’s tack room.


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  • Have a designated storage area for things that are not used daily, weekly, or in some cases, even monthly! For example – don’t clutter a tack room with blankets during the summer. If possible, find alternate storage solutions. I keep a lot of my rarely used items in my trailer. Giant plastic storage bins and rolling trunks are great alternatives to piles or clogging up shelves in the tack room.


tack room with rolling trunk and hanging horse blankets

Giant hooks hold blankets, stacked saddle racks let you store two or more saddles in one spot, and trunks make great seats and storage containers.


  • I love the idea of “lockers.” I have seen several types used in different tack rooms. They are easy to install and are available at home improvement centers and also that huge blue and yellow box store from Sweden. I have even seen lockers with hooks inside for bridles, which definitely helps keep things contained and free from dust! When things are dust-free, it’s easier to keep everything clean.


rolling tack trunk under saddle storage

These open lockers allow for tack above, and a trunk below.


  • If lockers are not an option, uniform sizes of trunks or durable plastic containers can work really well. For a while, I used a giant plastic bin with a lid, until I found a set of durable shelves (like the ones below, but large enough to fit several saddle pads per drawer) with a smaller footprint. The shelves were only waist high and could fit boots and pads, etc, without any problem. This is also amazingly simple to pack for a show… load the shelves in your trailer.


horse show shelf with bucket

Shelves are great – you can go floor to ceiling!


  • For rodent and dust control, I suggest keeping the door closed as much as possible. Keeping the door closed is also a great idea during barn aisle sweeping! In addition, you can purchase some expandable foam sealer from home improvement stores that can seal your wall/floor intersection and windows from buggers and rodents.


small vertical storage

These are small vertical drawers and can fit inside a cabinet.


  • Shelving can be installed up high for rarely-used things. Little spice racks can hold gloves or other frequently used things. Giant hooks hold blankets. Invest in a laundry sack so that dirty laundry has a place to live. You can also wash a laundry sack so it won’t grow its own smelly legs and walk away.



wire shelving for spices used in a tack room

This wire spice rack is awesome for everyday stuff.



laundry bag in tack room

A laundry sack by the door helps you remember to get it done!


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Hefty Shrink-Pak - 4 Large Vacuum Storage Bags

This is SO SATISFYING to shrink up your seasonal horse blankets and gear.

02/08/2025 08:28 am GMT
Sterilite 3 Drawer Mini Desktop Unit, Clear w/White Frame

Be sure to check the size. Don't want doll house size or marshmallow man size, either.

02/07/2025 02:58 pm GMT
Keter Storage Cabinet with Doors and Shelves

Vertical storage is the best! No more digging through trunks.

02/08/2025 10:42 am GMT
EASY-UP Wall Mount Saddle Rack with Single Pad Bar | Holds Western and English Saddles

The extra arm is a great place to hang your saddle pads.

02/08/2025 01:49 pm GMT
Humane Mouse Trap Pack of 4
$19.99 $16.99

Set them free upon thine enemy (JK, not really, but you can move them to a safer spot for everyone).

02/08/2025 07:52 am GMT
16 Pack Vacuum Storage Bags with Travel Hand Pump

Plus you can keep dust and rodents out of your horse's blankets while saving space.

02/08/2025 11:23 am GMT


Thank you!


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