silly horse decor


Questionable Horse Decor


I found some very silly, yet strangely practical things you can have around your home, all related to horses. This is what happens when you get sucked into internet shopping. Like really sucked in. I should tell you a few things. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This is zippo extra cost to you – and I appreciate all of your support 564738%.



And how did I get to this fantastic list of mine? By spending inordinate amounts of time wondering what the silliest and possibly tackiest and maybe even delightful and yet also practical horse things exist to decorate with horses. You may either thank me or promptly wash your eyes out and schedule a new-age sci-fi memory wipe. Not sure.



I started to wonder what you could find for your garage, that’s horse-related, and these gems popped up:




I feel like this sign makes more sense unless you absolutely love beer more than horses.



Every horse lover’s car “needs” one of these LP frames.



So what’s probably the most important room in the house? The bathroom.


It’s necessary, it’s a sanctuary, and the bathroom is where most deep thinking occurs. Here are some of my favorite pieces of horse art that you can adorn your shower with:



This lovely shower curtain is perfect.



This shower curtain exactly expresses my feeling about mornings.




For the minimalist horse lover.


But wait, we are not done yet in the bathroom! Whatever shall hold your TP? THIS SHALL:



For all of your TP needs.



I have no words about this toilet brush holder.




Perhaps the next most important room is the kitchen – home of all things wine and some food, too.


There are no shortages of ways to eat and drink with horses:




Shouldn’t you be celebrating every single day while you eat cake and stuff?



A soothing cup of tea from this cup will calm your morning nerves, especially if you have that weird horse shower curtain.



It’s true that your cheese will taste better when you use these horse butts to spread it on your cracker. I’m sure of it.


This spoon holder is artistic and simple and quite honestly, the stuff of an adult.



This may be the most touching “I hate everyone, too” sentiment that I’ve ever seen.




OK – the product description for this says STALLION but we can’t see it from every angle. BUYER BEWARE.



On the occasion that your wine bottle needs to rest for a moment.




This hoof pick doubles as a wine opener. So do you keep it at the barn with your horse wine or at home with your kitchen horse?



No fridge will ever be complete without these delightful animal butt magnets.





Let’s not forget the living room and bedrooms. Also important rooms, and worthy of some horse decor.




Your view of the neighbors will be blocked by these curtains.





Magical pillow!





So this is basically just a slightly larger doormat, but I suppose you could use it for an area rug?




What a lovely way to get tucked in. You’ll need it if you also purchase the next item, a terrifying night light.



And yes, it changes colors and is likely the stuff of nightmares.




Thanks for taking this rollercoaster of a ride with me, shopping for some horse decor. And I did order those magnets, because who could resist?

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